How British wildlife greeted the warmest winter on record

Written on the final, frozen day of 1900, Thomas Hardy's poem The Darkling Thrush describes a harsh, ice-blasted landscape devoid of life. Hardy's depiction of a time "when frost was spectre-gray" evokes a winter that is ...

Fresh groundwater flow important for coastal ecosystems

Groundwater is the largest source of freshwater, one of the world's most precious natural resources and vital for crops and drinking water. It is found under our very feet in the cracks and pores in soil, sediments and rocks. ...

Why Venice is actually a textbook case for flood prevention

When the worst floods since 1966 submerged the city of Venice in November 2019, the blame was laid on its incomplete mobile flood gates. They have been under construction since 2003 but were not ready in time to save the ...

Scientists assess storage value in blue carbon ecosystems

When Hurricane Dorian roared up the East Coast during the first week of September, the places where people live and work in several states were under threat. The first line of protection against storm damage was made up of ...

Sea level rise requires extra management to maintain salt marshes

Salt marshes are important habitats for fish and birds and protect coasts under sea level rise against stronger wave attacks. However, salt marshes themselves are much more vulnerable to these global change threats than previously ...

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