Calculating human health risks with general weather data

Weather stations provide detailed records of temperature, precipitation, and storm events. These stations, however, are not always well spaced and can be scattered throughout cities or can even be absent in remote regions.

New Zealand firefighters beating forest blaze

Firefighters in New Zealand battling a blaze that razed much of a small alpine village said they were making "good progress" Wednesday as high winds finally eased.

San Francisco blanketed in smoke as California fires rage

Crews were battling wildfires in the San Francisco Bay Area and thousands of people were under orders to evacuate as dozens of wildfires blazed across the state amid a blistering heat wave now in its second week.

Observational evidence of Karakoram anomaly

Stable or marginal mass loss dominating in Karakoram, known as the Karakoram Anomaly, has been reported widely through remotely sensed glacier surface elevation variations of either points (satellite laser altimetry) or surface ...

Firefighters battle new blaze in California

Hundreds of California firefighters on Tuesday battled a wind-driven brushfire that grew out of control overnight near Santa Barbara, threatening thousands of homes and prompting evacuation orders.

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