Related topics: plants

Methods in belowground botany

Plant root systems play a crucial role in ecosystems, radically impacting everything from nutrient cycling to species composition. Despite their importance, scientists are just beginning to develop the tools to understand ...

Are trees in Central Europe defying climate change?

Over 200 researchers from Europe and around the world are currently meeting in Zürich to share the latest findings on the topic "Climate Change: Tree responses in Central European forests". One key question is this: How ...

For farmers, plenty of uncertainty accompanies planting season

The first week of May is traditionally thought of as the ideal time for Iowa farmers to begin planting, but a slow start to spring and volatile grain markets in recent weeks have left producers with a lot of questions, agronomy ...

Benefits of Bt corn go beyond rootworm resistance

Engineered to produce the bacterial toxin, Bt, "Bt corn" resists attack by corn rootworm, a pest that feeds on roots and can cause annual losses of up to $1 billion. But besides merely protecting against these losses, the ...

Dairy manure goes urban

When natural ecosystems are replaced by roads, homes, and commercial structures, soil is negatively impacted. Studies have shown that, among other issues, distressed urban soils are often significantly compacted, may have ...

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