Sweden seen through the eyes of the US: Changing perceptions?

Sweden has long had a strong symbolic value in US politics, representing a utopia that has chosen a golden middle way between capitalism and socialism. However, the tone has not always been positive and this image has been ...

Closing the microcredit gender gap in Ghana

Small loans can help people establish and expand their small businesses. A field study in Ghana has now revealed that men ask for and receive more money from microcredit companies than women. However, if women are better ...

Social learning boosts drug rep performance, finds study

Research in the International Journal of Business Innovation and Research has looked at the role of social learning with respect to the professional performance of medical representatives in Indonesia during the COVID-19 ...

Networking: An opportunity or an obstacle for women?

Networking can help to build and improve informal working relationships. When done right, it can be a mutually beneficial exchange among individuals or groups, often leading to new opportunities or even promotions, making ...

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