Artificial intelligence predicts rogue waves of light

In a recent study published in Nature Communications, an international team of researchers from Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Finland, and the Institut FEMTO-ST at the Université Bourgogne-Franche Comté, France, ...

Why do some head knocks cause more damage than others?

Veteran sailors know that rogue waves can rise suddenly in mid-ocean to capsize even the largest vessels. Now it appears that a similar phenomenon called shear shock wave occurs in the concussed brain. It may help explain ...

Optical rogue waves: The storm in a test tube

Random processes in nature often underlie a so-called normal distribution that enables reliable estimation for the appearance of extreme statistical events. Meteorological systems are an exception to this rule, with extreme ...

CSIRO researchers create giant waves -- virtually

( -- CSIRO scientists have created 'rogue waves' more than 20 metres high and smashed them into virtual oil and gas production platforms to compare different mooring designs.

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