Related topics: mice · species · brain · neurons · fossil

Spaceflight muscle loss study aims to benefit patients on earth

"Exercise and eat right" is a common prescription for maintaining muscle and building bone, but more advanced solutions are needed to address serious diseases that lead to loss of muscle function in the general population. ...

Island rodents take on nightmarish proportions

Researchers have analyzed size data for rodents worldwide to distinguish the truly massive mice and giant gerbils from the regular-sized rodents. They found that the furry animals with chisel-like teeth are 17 times more ...

Study finds wolves are better hunters when monkeys are around

Through a rare mixed-species association observed between a carnivorous predator and a potential prey, Dartmouth-led research has identified that solitary Ethiopian wolves will forage for rodents among grazing gelada monkey ...

Forecasting future infectious disease outbreaks

Machine learning can pinpoint rodent species that harbor diseases andgeographic hotspots vulnerable to new parasites and pathogens. So reportsa new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences led by Barbara ...

Giant rodent used incisors like tusks

The largest rodent ever to have lived may have used its front teeth just like an elephant uses its tusks, a new study led by scientists at the University of York and The Hull York Medical School (HYMS) has found.

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