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New species of Nannocricetus found in Damiao of Nei Mongol

Dr. Zhang Zhao-Qun, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his colleagues, recently described a new cricetid species of Late Miocene, Nannocricetus wuae, from the locality ...

Tiny teeth are new mouse species, a rare 'living fossil'

( -- Tiny fossil teeth discovered in Inner Mongolia are a new species of birch mouse, indicating that ancestors of the small rodent are much older than previously reported, according to paleontologist Yuri Kimura, ...

The ewe can mitigate adverse experiences in her lambs

Lambs are likely to encounter a number of adverse events, starting from the fetal stage. In rodents and humans, it was shown that the mother can mitigate the effects of adverse experiences in her young.

Gerbils also get the winter blues

December 21 -- the date of the winter solstice -- marks the shortest day of the year. Many people may find themselves wanting to spend more time on the couch and less time with friends -- one of the effects of seasonal affective ...

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