NASA Simulates Space Exploration at Remote Arctic Crater Site

( -- NASA personnel are among a group of international researchers who are in the Canadian Arctic assessing concepts for future planetary exploration as part of the Haughton-Mars Project, or HMP-2010.

Herschel readies itself for the Orion Nebula (w/ Video)

( -- ESA's Herschel observatory is back to full operation following the reactivation of its HiFi instrument. HiFi, having been offline for 160 days while engineers investigated an unexpected problem in the electronic ...

Second Test Rover Added to Driving Experiments

A second, lighter-weight test rover has entered the testing setup at JPL where rover team members are assessing strategy for getting Spirit out of soft soil where it is embedded on Mars.

Rover Confirms Meteorite on Mars

( -- Composition measurements by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity confirm that this rock on the Martian surface is an iron-nickel meteorite.

Thales Alenia Space kicks off Euclid construction

The construction of ESA's Euclid space mission to explore the 'dark Universe' will be led by Italy's Thales Alenia Space as prime contractor, beginning the full industrial phase of the project. 

How to plant a garden on Mars—with a robot

In the last century humanity has taken gigantic leaps forward in the robotic exploration of the cosmos—not least in the search for habitable worlds and environments that could house life outside of the Earth. The next logical ...

Making mobile robots work together

The danger that icebergs represent to both shipping and to the underwater cables that traverse the ocean floors is very real. It's tricky for satellites to identify icebergs, and almost impossible to accurately predict the ...

NASA joins ESA's 'dark universe' mission

(—NASA has officially joined ESA's Euclid mission, a space telescope designed to investigate the mysterious natures of dark matter and dark energy.

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