5 things you may not know about the planet Mars

Mars is set to get its latest visitor Sunday night when NASA's new robotic rover, named Curiosity, attempts to land there. Mars has been a prime target for space exploration for decades, in part because its climate 3.5 billion ...

Oil and gas exploration benefit from space technology

(PhysOrg.com) -- A special kind of titanium and a manufacturing technique used to build the Ariane 5 rocket could become the next successful spin-offs from Europe's space programme, benefiting the oil and gas industry.

ExoMars: European robotic mission to Mars

A development model of the Mars Rover, called Bridget, was on display at the University of Leicester today providing invited schoolchildren as well as staff and students with an exciting glimpse into the shape of things to ...

Europe and Russia sign Mars exploration deal

The European Space Agency (ESA) on Wednesday signed a deal with its Russian counterpart Roscosmos to cooperate on two Mars exploration projects, Russia's Interfax news agency reported.

Image: Spirit's View From 'Troy'

Today, Aug. 18, 2009, marks the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit's 2,000th sol, or Martian day, on the Red Planet.

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