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Astronauts move old space station docking port

(AP) -- Astronauts did some rearranging at the International Space Station for the second night in a row Monday, moving an old docking adapter into a new position.

Space Station gains a new room: Node-3 installed

( -- Almost exactly two years after the Columbus laboratory was added to the Space Station, the hi-tech Node-3, also ‘made in Europe’, was installed on the ISS this morning.

Space station gets room, huge window to see Earth

(AP) -- Astronauts put the last big addition on the International Space Station early Friday, attaching a new room with an enormous bay window that promises to provide unprecedented panoramic views of Earth.

Japan sends first cargo spacecraft to ISS

Japan on Friday launched its first unmanned cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station, aiming for a share of space transport after the retirement of the US space shuttle fleet next year.

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