Related topics: international space station · robot · nasa · mars

NASA's curiosity continues mobility checkouts

( -- Spacecraft specialists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., have been putting the Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity, through various tests in preparation for shipment to NASA's Kennedy ...

Space Image: Another view of ISS spacewalker

A fish-eye lens attached to an electronic still camera was used to capture this image of NASA astronaut Greg Chamitoff during the mission's fourth STS-134 spacewalk.

Last shuttle spacewalkers make history above Earth

NASA completed its part in the construction of the International Space Station on Friday, with the final spacewalkers in the 30-year shuttle program attaching an extension boom.

Endeavour astronauts wrap up third spacewalk

Two US astronauts wrapped up their third spacewalk outside the International Space Station on Wednesday after some doing maintenance work on the Russian side of the orbiting lab, NASA said.

Astronauts take 3rd spacewalk for laying cable

(AP) -- A pair of astronauts ventured out on the third spacewalk of their mission Wednesday to boost power on the Russian side of the International Space Station.

Endeavour astronauts wrap up second space walk

Two astronauts completed a second of four scheduled space walks of the Endeavour shuttle's final mission to the International Space Station on Sunday, the US space agency said.

Astronauts inspect gouge on space shuttle's belly

(AP) -- Space shuttle Endeavour's astronauts took a close, detailed look at a small gash in the belly of their ship Saturday, to ensure their safety when they return to Earth in 1 1/2 weeks.

Shuttle brings big-bucks magnet to space station

(AP) -- A mammoth cosmic ray detector arrived at the International Space Station on Wednesday, a $2 billion experiment that will search the invisible universe and help explain how everything came to be.

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