Related topics: international space station · robot · nasa · mars

Cargo-packed Dragon arrives at space station

SpaceX's unmanned Dragon cargo ship arrived Wednesday at the International Space Station, packed with food, gear and science experiments for the astronauts living in orbit.

Origami-inspired self-locking foldable robotic arm

A research team of Seoul National University led by Professor Kyu-Jin Cho has developed an origami-inspired robotic arm that is foldable, self-assembling and also highly-rigid. (The researchers include Suk-Jun Kim, Dae-Young ...

Video: Tour a Mars robot test lab

NASA's InSight lander looks a bit like an oversized crane game: when it lands on Mars this November, its robotic arm will be used to grasp and move objects on another planet for the first time.

Augmented reality takes 3-D printing to next level

Cornell researchers are taking 3-D printing and 3-D modeling to a new level by using augmented reality (AR) to allow designers to design in physical space while a robotic arm rapidly prints the work.

Image: Mark Vande Hei's 'space selfie'

On Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018, Mark Vande Hei snapped his own portrait, better known as a "space selfie," during the first spacewalk of the year.

Fast computer control for molecular machines

Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a novel electric propulsion technology for nanorobots. It allows molecular machines to move a hundred thousand times faster than with the biochemical processes ...

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