Artificial intelligence folds RNA molecules

For the function of many biomolecules, their three-dimensional structure is crucial. Researchers are therefore not only interested in the sequence of the individual building blocks of biomolecules, but also in their spatial ...

Exploring new roles for non-coding RNA

The past decade has seen enormous advances in the understanding of regulatory noncoding RNAs, according to a Northwestern Medicine review published in Molecular Cell.

Understanding genomes, piece by piece

The celebrated physicist Richard Feynman is credited with the quote, "What I cannot create, I do not understand." As well as informing Feynman's approach to theoretical physics, it's a good way of describing the motivations ...

Targeted enzymes destroy virus RNA

A research team led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has successfully used specific enzymes to destroy the genetic information of SARS-CoV-2 directly after the virus penetrates the cell. The findings could serve ...

The vast little library inside your cells

The human genome can be thought of as a massive library, containing over 20,000 different "instruction manuals": your genes. For example, there are genes which contain information to build a brain cell, a skin cell, a white ...

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