The enemy within: How pathogens spread unrecognized in the body

Some pathogens hide inside human cells to enhance their survival. Researchers at the University of Basel, have uncovered a unique tactic certain bacteria use to spread in the body without being detected by the immune system. ...

Key protein regulates immune response to viruses in mammal cells

Researchers have revealed the regulatory mechanism of a specific protein that plays a key role in balancing the immune response triggered by viral infections in mammal cells. These findings could help drive the development ...

Data-driven music: Converting climate measurements into music

A geo-environmental scientist from Japan has composed a string quartet using sonified climate data. The 6-minute-long composition—titled "String Quartet No. 1 "Polar Energy Budget"—is based on over 30 years of satellite-collected ...

The role of TOR signaling in enhancing graft success and crop vigor

A research team has delved into the Target of Rapamycin (TOR) signaling pathway in plant grafting, emphasizing its role in regulating seedling vigor, graft junction healing, and shoot-to-root communications. Exploring TOR's ...

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