Color-changing material indicates when medications get too warm

Some foods and medicines, such as many COVID-19 vaccines, must be kept cold. As a step toward a robust, stable technique that could indicate when these products exceed safe limits, researchers in ACS Nano report a class of ...

Office air quality may affect employees' cognition, productivity

The air quality within an office can have significant impacts on employees' cognitive function, including response times and ability to focus, and it may also affect their productivity, according to new research led by Harvard ...

Do rats like to be tickled?

Not all rats like to be tickled but by listening to their vocalizations it is possible to understand in real-time their individual emotional response, according to new research by the University of Bristol. The study, published ...

Flooding impacts emergency response time in England

First responders, such as fire and ambulance services, will likely struggle to reach urgent cases in a timely manner during flooding in England, researchers from Loughborough University have found.

Security and privacy concerns regarding connected vehicles

( —A majority of Americans, Australians and Britons believe that connected-vehicle technology will make driving safer, but most are also concerned about security and privacy, according to a University of Michigan ...

Catching molecular motion at just the right time

University of Oregon researchers have devised a mathematically rich analytic approach to account for often-missing thermodynamic and molecular parameters in molecular dynamic simulations.

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