Tunable optical chip paves way for new quantum devices

Researchers have created a silicon carbide (SiC) photonic integrated chip that can be thermally tuned by applying an electric signal. The approach could one day be used to create a large range of reconfigurable devices such ...

A powerful, pocket-sized optical imager, no longer science fiction

Before Wilhelm Röntgen, a mechanical engineer, discovered a new type of electromagnetic radiation in 1895, physicians could only dream of being able to see inside the body. Within a year of Röntgen's discovery, X-rays were ...

Energy harvesting technology based on ferromagnetic resonance

Researchers from the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University have succeeded in storing electricity with the voltage generated from the conversion phenomenon of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) using an ultra-thin ...

Researchers create first supermode optical resonator

What does it take for scientists to push beyond the current limits of knowledge? Researchers in Federico Capasso's group at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed an effective ...

Building single-atom qubits under a microscope

Our team at IBM Research made a breakthrough in controlling the quantum behavior of individual atoms, demonstrating a versatile new building block for quantum computation.

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