Huge challenges in scaling up biofuels infrastructure

( -- Ramping up biofuels production to replace fossil fuels and provide a significant portion of the nation's energy will require nothing short of a transformation of the U.S. agricultural, transportation and ...

Energy crops impact environmental quality

Crop residues, perennial warm season grasses, and short-rotation woody crops are potential biomass sources for cellulosic ethanol production. While most research is focused on the conversion of cellulosic feeedstocks into ...

Detection of a new state in the protein folding process

Scientists have discovered a new, intermediate state in the process of protein folding, showing folding can occur in two stages, one fast and the next found to be much slower. The findings are published in the journal Physical ...

I.Coast toxic dump 'still claiming lives'

Three years after a ship dumped toxic waste in Ivory Coast, residents of a village off the main city of Abidjan are still traumatised by untimely deaths they say are linked to poisoning.

New Cas9 variant makes genome editing even more precise

CRISPR-Cas9 has revolutionized the field of genetics by its ability to cut DNA at defined target sites. Researchers are using the Cas9 enzyme to specifically switch off genes, or insert new DNA fragments into the genome. ...

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