A solution to fracture for durable solar cells

Micro cracks in solar cells are a frequent challenge for manufacturers of solar photovoltaic modules. EU-funded researchers introduced an innovative pre-stressing technique to retard the growth of cracks and make durable ...

Ethanol production could jeopardize soil productivity

There is growing interest in using crop residues as the feedstock of choice for the production of cellulosic-based ethanol because of the more favorable energy output relative to grain-based ethanol. This would also help ...

Timken turns to neutrons to get its bearings on internal stresses

Bearings are used in many common applications such as wheels, drills, and even toys like the popular fidget spinner. Those applications and others like them rely on bearings to allow for smooth, efficient motion for millions ...

Researching new ways to use secondary logging materials

The first image that may come to mind when someone says "logging" is trucks loaded with logs, ready for transport to a sawmill. But what about the rest of the tree: the branches and tops that cannot be cut into boards or ...

An easier way to test produce for pesticides

Maria Fidalgo, an associate professor in civil and environmental engineering at the University of Missouri, and a team of students and international collaborators have come up with a way to use sensors and films to detect ...

Researchers examine way to undercut dust emissions

There is literally a way to undercut dust emissions in the very driest parts of the Pacific Northwest's Columbia Plateau region, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist.

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