Electric fields boost graphene's potential, study shows

Researchers at the National Graphene Institute have made a discovery that could revolutionize energy harnessing and information computing. Their study, published in Nature, reveals how electric field effects can selectively ...

New study examines the price tag of phasing-out coal

Coal phase-out is necessary to solve climate change, but can have negative impacts on workers and local communities dependent on coal for their livelihoods. Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden and Central ...

Planet sees 10 straight months of record-breaking heat

Californians have had weekend after weekend of cool, stormy weather and the Sierra Nevada has been blessed with a healthy snowpack. But the reality is that even the last few months have been more than 2 degrees hotter than ...

Researchers harness the sun to produce hydrogen gas from water

A team of chemistry researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has developed a unique approach to harnessing the sun's energy to produce hydrogen gas, a potential clean energy source, from water, according ...

New findings shed light on finding valuable 'green' metals

Research led by Macquarie University sheds new light on how concentrations of metals used in renewable energy technologies can be transported from deep within the Earth's interior mantle by low temperature, carbon-rich melts.

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