Generator developed for harvesting energy from droplets

Scientists of the University of Twente and South China Normal University designed an electrical generator that can harvest energy from impacting droplets and other sources of mechanical energy. Their paper recently appeared ...

Shrimp shells to produce electrodes for large storage batteries

A project by Spanish researchers and other collaborators at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) suggests the use of chitin from shrimp shells to produce electrodes for vanadium flow batteries. The results of the ...

Report lays out how to make copper mines emission-free

A world-first study by the University of Sydney's Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering, "Zero Emission Copper Mine of the Future," lays out how Australian copper mining can be cleaner and smarter using emerging technologies.

Scientists show a promising solid electrolyte is hydrophobic

Skoltech researchers and their colleagues have shown that LATP, a solid electrolytes considered for use in next-generation energy storage, is highly sensitive to water, which has direct implications for potential battery ...

Scientists list four key actions to halt global warming

The latest edition of the JRC's Global Energy and Climate Outlook (GECO), identifies four technological dynamics in the energy sector that have the power to limit global warming to below 2°C if implemented simultaneously.

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