Related topics: coral reefs

Humans—the disturbing neighbours of reef sharks

Shark diversity and abundance is highest in remote reefs, as far as 25 hours away from main cities, reveals an international study conducted in the New Caledonia archipelago.

Video: How will climate change impact ocean health?

The oceans provide one quarter of the world's dietary protein, yet we have little understanding of how changes in ocean temperatures and chemistry will impact ocean life, from microbes to coral reefs to commercial fish stocks, ...

Algae fortifies coral reefs in past and present

The Great Barrier Reef, and most other large reefs around the world, owe their bulk in large part to a type of red algae that grows on corals and strengthens them. New research led by Anna Weiss, a Ph.D. candidate at The ...

Coral skeletons may resist the effects of acidifying oceans

Coral skeletons are the building blocks of diverse coral reef ecosystems, which has led to increasing concern over how these key species will cope with warming and acidifying oceans that threaten their stability.

The big ecological roles of small natural features

Ecologists and conservationists have long recognized that keystone species have major ecological importance disproportionate to their abundance or size. Think beavers, sea stars and prairie dogs—species that keep a ecosystem ...

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