A 'sponge' path to better catalysts and energy materials

Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science's Oak Ridge (ORNL) and Argonne National Laboratories, Northwestern University, and Hokkaido University (Japan) have developed a new oxygen "sponge" that ...

Wiring microbes to conduct and produce electricity faster

A team of researchers in Ireland have found evidence that altering the chemistry of an electrode surface (surface engineering) can help microbial communities to connect to the electrode to produce more electricity (electron-exchange) ...

Unexpected allies help bacteria clean uranium from groundwater

(Phys.org) —Since 2009, SLAC scientist John Bargar has led a team using synchrotron-based X-ray techniques to study bacteria that help clean uranium from groundwater in a process called bioremediation. Their initial goal ...

Enhancing the chemistry of zinc

(Phys.org) -- By tinkering with a zinc molecule, Virginia Commonwealth University researchers have discovered it can exist in a higher oxidation state, opening the door for a new form of chemistry and new composition of matter.

New property of flames sparks advances in technology

Chemists at UCL have discovered a new property of flames, which allows them to control reactions at a solid surface in a flame and opens up a whole new field of chemical innovation.

Gasoline from water, CO2 and sunlight

A research team from ETH Zurich, PSI, and Caltech demonstrates the stable, efficient and rapid generation of solar fuels. They apply a thermochemical cycle based on ceria redox reactions to thermochemically split water and ...

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