Rocky planet neighbor looks familiar, but is not Earth's twin

Last autumn, the world was excited by the discovery of an exoplanet called Ross 128 b, which is just 11 light years away from Earth. New work from a team led by Diogo Souto of Brazil's Observatório Nacional and including ...

New device modulates light and amplifies tiny signals

Imagine a single particle, only one-tenth the diameter of a bacterium, whose miniscule jiggles induce sustained vibrations in an entire mechanical device some 50 times larger. By taking clever advantage of the interplay between ...

Intoxicatingly light-sensitive

ETH chemists have synthesised several variants of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. Its structure can be altered with light, and the researchers have used this to create a new tool that can be used to more effectively ...

Mantis shrimp-inspired camera enables glimpse into hidden world

By mimicking the eye of the mantis shrimp, Illinois researchers have developed an ultra-sensitive camera capable of sensing both color and polarization. The bioinspired imager can potentially improve early cancer detection ...

Ultraviolet light may be ultra important in search for life

In everyday life, ultraviolet, or UV, light earns a bad reputation for being responsible for sunburns and other harmful effects on humans. However, research suggests that UV light may have played a critical role in the emergence ...

The unique visual systems of deep sea fish

If asked the colour of the ocean, most people would rightly say "blue." The reason is that pure water absorbs long wavelength red light very strongly, but lets the shorter blue wavelengths pass. If you cut yourself while ...

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