Related topics: stars

Stellar wind of old stars reveals existence of a partner

Red giants are old stars that eject gaseous material and solid particles through a stellar wind. Some red giants appeared to lose an exceptionally large amount of mass this way. However, new observations reveal that this ...

Bull ant venom could put the bite on pain

Venom from the giant red bull ant is helping University of Queensland scientists understand the evolution of animal toxins in work that could lead to better treatments for pain.

Donor star breathes life into zombie companion

ESA's Integral space observatory has witnessed a rare event: the moment that winds emitted by a swollen red giant star revived its slow-spinning companion, the core of a dead star, bringing it back to life in a flash of X-rays.

Giant bubbles on red giant star's surface

Astronomers using ESO's Very Large Telescope have for the first time directly observed granulation patterns on the surface of a star outside the solar system—the aging red giant π1 Gruis. This remarkable new image from ...

V745 Sco: Two stars, three dimensions, and oodles of energy

For decades, astronomers have known about irregular outbursts from the double star system V745 Sco, which is located about 25,000 light years from Earth. Astronomers were caught by surprise when previous outbursts from this ...

Ultraviolet light may be ultra important in search for life

In everyday life, ultraviolet, or UV, light earns a bad reputation for being responsible for sunburns and other harmful effects on humans. However, research suggests that UV light may have played a critical role in the emergence ...

Hidden red dwarf discovered in dust of giant star

CW Leonis, a red giant star 500 times the size of the sun is located in the Leo constellation 300 light years away. This is an evolving star that is ejecting significant amounts of dust forming an enveloping cloud many times ...

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