SwRI flips switch on LAMP in lunar orbit

A Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) team successfully opened a "failsafe" door on the Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) instrument in lunar orbit, improving the quality of ultraviolet (UV) data it collects. The door, one ...

Mars missions: Past, Present and Future

Long before the space age, Earthlings were already in hot pursuit of life on Mars, using primitive telescopes and even psychic mediums to seek evidence of sentient beings.

Schiaparelli readied for Mars landing

This week, the commands that will govern the Schiaparelli lander's descent and touchdown on Mars were uploaded to ESA's ExoMars spacecraft, enroute to the Red Planet.

What does Earth look like from Mars?

Modern astronomy and space exploration has blessed us with a plethora of wonderful images. Whether they were images of distant planets, stars and galaxies taken by Earth-based telescopes, or close-ups of planets or moons ...

NASA sails full-speed ahead in solar system exploration

NASA's Juno is now poised to shine a spotlight on the origins and interior structure of the largest planet in our solar system. As we wait for Juno's first close-up images of Jupiter (to be taken Aug. 27 during the spacecraft's ...

Image: Martian Morse code

This image of dark dunes on Mars was taken on Feb. 6, 2016, at 15:16 local Mars time by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. These dunes are influenced by local ...

A little help from friends

ESA's first Mars orbiter will provide an important helping hand when the second arrives at the Red Planet in October.

Image: Frosted dunes on Mars

Sand dunes cover much of this terrain, which has large boulders lying on flat areas between the dunes.

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