Red wine, fruit compound could help block fat cell formation

( -- A compound found in red wine, grapes and other fruits, and similar in structure to resveratrol, is able to block cellular processes that allow fat cells to develop, opening a door to a potential method to ...

Researchers discover mechanism for signaling receptor recycling

An international team of researchers led by Carnegie Mellon University's Manojkumar Puthenveedu has discovered the mechanism by which signaling receptors recycle, a critical piece in understanding signaling receptor function. ...

Why King Kong failed to impress

Humans have the same receptors for detecting odors related to sex as do other apes and primates. But each species uses them in different ways, stemming from the way the genes for these receptors have evolved over time, according ...

How protein receptors on cells switch on and off

Cornell researchers have provided new insight into the molecular mechanism underlying an essential cellular system. They have discovered how receptors on cell surfaces turn off signals from the cell's environment, a function ...

Bioinspired strategies for the development of new drugs

MedUni Vienna researchers led by Christian Gruber from the Institute of Pharmacology, with international collaborators, have shown that it is possible to dimerize the human neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin without forfeiting ...

45 years on: How serotonin makes schistosome parasites move

Schistosoma mansoni and its close relatives are parasitic flatworms that affect millions worldwide and kill an estimated 250,000 people a year. A study published on January 16 in PLOS Pathogens identifies a new part of the ...

Immunoproteasome crystal structure determined

Like a shredder, the immunoproteasome cuts down proteins into peptides that are subsequently presented on the cellular surface. The immune system can distinguish between self and nonself peptides and selectively kills cells ...

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