Catching cancer early by chasing it

Reaching a clinic in time to receive an early diagnosis for cancer—when the disease is most treatable—is a global problem. And now a team of Chinese researchers proposes a global solution: have a user-friendly diagnostic ...

Improving DNA amplification from problematic plants

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a common technique used to amplify, or copy, pieces of DNA. Amplified DNA is then used in genetic analyses for everything from medicine to forensics. In plant research, PCR is a vital ...

Chinese dust cloud 'improves smelly Japanese dish'

Natto, the Japanese breakfast dish of fermented soybeans, has a smell likened to sweaty feet but researchers have come up with an unlikely way of making it less whiffy—using bacteria from Chinese dust clouds.

Microfluidics: Creating chaos

A quiet revolution is taking place in the fields of biology and chemistry. Microfluidic devices, which allow fluid manipulation in micro-scale channels, are slowly but surely finding their place on the lab bench. A new microfluidic ...

Economizing chemistry, atom by atom

In chemistry, downsizing can have positive attributes. Reducing the number of steps and reagents in synthetic reactions, for example, enables chemists to boost their productivity while reducing their environmental footprint. ...

New salts for chemical soups

Organozinc reagents are an important class of organometallic compounds with a wide range of applications. German chemists have developed a novel route for the synthesis of so-called organozinc pivalates in a stable powdered ...

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