Bacterial test for raw, organic milk may require more precision

Cornell food scientists show that a standard quality test used for raw, organic milk is insufficient for distinguishing between specific groups of bacteria, suggesting that the criteria for determining milk quality at processing ...

Some online-purchased cheeses are of low quality

Online shopping saves time and provides an enormous product choice, which can be especially convenient during the Christmas shopping season. According to a German market study, six percent of all fresh foods sold today are ...

New method makes milk safer and tastier

EU-funded project SMARTMILK ('A novel system for the treatment of milk based on the combination of ultrasounds and pulsed electric field technologies ') has developed a non-thermal treatment to make raw milk safer, at the ...

Cornell offers only U.S. salmonella dublin test for cattle

Salmonella can cause serious disease on cattle farms, killing calves, causing cows to abort, contaminating raw milk and harming humans along the way. As the cattle-adapted strain salmonella dublin creeps into the northeastern ...

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