Some online-purchased cheeses are of low quality

Online shopping saves time and provides an enormous product choice, which can be especially convenient during the Christmas shopping season. According to a German market study, six percent of all fresh foods sold today are ...

New method makes milk safer and tastier

EU-funded project SMARTMILK ('A novel system for the treatment of milk based on the combination of ultrasounds and pulsed electric field technologies ') has developed a non-thermal treatment to make raw milk safer, at the ...

Cornell offers only U.S. salmonella dublin test for cattle

Salmonella can cause serious disease on cattle farms, killing calves, causing cows to abort, contaminating raw milk and harming humans along the way. As the cattle-adapted strain salmonella dublin creeps into the northeastern ...

Mobile phone scanner detects harmful bacteria

( -- A mobile phone that could detect whether leftovers in your fridge are safe to eat could be heading to an app store near you. A device has been developed that attaches to mobiles and can detect small amounts ...

New microfluidic chip for discriminating bacteria

A new "on-chip" method for sorting and identifying bacteria has been created by biomedical engineers at Taiwan's National Cheng Kung University. The technique, developed by Hsien-Chang Chang, a professor at the Institute ...

New biomarker for raw milk quality detection

Strict milk quality tests had drawn a national attention throughout China in the wake of the baby formula milk powder contamination incident. The individual classic markers for milk quality control, particularly protein concentration, ...

Invasion without a stir

Bacteria of the genus Salmonella cause most food-borne illnesses. The bacteria attach to cells of the intestinal wall and induce their own ingestion by cells of the intestinal epithelium. Up till now, researchers assumed ...

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