Related topics: brain · memory · neurons · hippocampus

Rats found able to recognize pain in other rat faces

(—A team of researchers working in Japan with affiliations to several institutions in that country, has found that lab rats are able to recognize pain in the faces of other rats and avoid them when given the opportunity. ...

Behaviour study shows rats know how to repay kindness

If I scratch your back and you scratch mine, then we're both better off as a result – so goes the principle of reciprocity, one of the most popular explanations for how co-operative behaviour has evolved. But what if one ...

Study identifies two biomarkers for lack of sleep

(—Ideally, we would get the appropriate amount of sleep to keep our bodies healthy, but in our modern society things like jet lag, extended work hours, or using electronic devices cause disruptions in our sleep/wake ...

Making a better wound dressing—with fish skin

With a low price tag and mild flavor, tilapia has become a staple dinnertime fish for many Americans. Now it could have another use: helping to heal our wounds. In the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, scientists ...

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