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What causes rats without a Y chromosome to become male?

A look at the brains of an endangered spiny rat off the coast of Japan by University of Missouri (MU) Bond Life Sciences Center scientist Cheryl Rosenfeld could illuminate the subtle genetic influences that stimulate a mammal's ...

Ecuador eradicates Galapagos rats using drones

Ecuador used drones to scatter rat poison on one of the Galapagos Islands in a bid to protect species including the world's only nocturnal seagull from the pests, the archipelago's national parks authority, PNG, said Thursday.

'Stash your trash,' say rat researchers

Rats. Can't live with them, can't live without them—or so it seems in a city like Chicago. Researchers from Lincoln Park Zoo's Urban Wildlife Institute and Davee Center for Epidemiology and Endocrinology set out to understand ...

Five vampire traits that exist in the natural world

When asked to describe a vampire, most people think of a tall, pale creature, with fangs and a cloak. But were the creatures of folklore inspired by real traits seen in the animal kingdom? From avoiding sunlight to using ...

Study shows city rats eat better than country rats

A pair of researchers, one with Trent University in Canada, the other the University of Manchester in the U.K. has found evidence that rats living in cities have a much richer diet than rats living in the country. In their ...

Eating royal poop improves parenting in naked mole-rats

Have you ever seen a picture of a mother dog caring for an unusual baby, like a kitten? This sort of animal adoption story is an example of a phenomenon known as alloparenting: care provided to offspring that are not genetically ...

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