Magnetic idea: Rare-earth recycling

Recycling keeps paper, plastics, and even jeans out of landfills. Could recycling rare-earth magnets do the same? Perhaps, if the recycling process can be improved.

Machine learning could revolutionize mineral exploration

Twenty-first century technologies, including those central to a low-carbon future, rely on rare earth elements and metals. Many of these sought-after minerals reside in porphyry copper deposits that contain hundreds of millions ...

Finding ancient minerals for high-tech uses

As demand for high-tech devices and green technologies rises, countries around the world are scavenging for sources of rare earth elements—the expensive metals required in everything from iPods to hybrid cars.

Biomining the elements of the future

Biomining is the kind of technique promised by science fiction: a vast tank filled with microorganisms that leach metal from ore, old mobile phones and hard drives.

Lodgers on manganese nodules: Sponges promote a high diversity

Polymetallic nodules and crusts cover many thousands of square kilometers of the world's deep-sea floor. They contain valuable metals and rare earth elements and are therefore of great economic interest. To date, there is ...

Study shows bacteria can survive on radioactive elements

Bacteria that feed on methanol are able to grow on certain rare earth elements as well as their radioactive relatives. These findings suggest a possible role for such bacteria in the decontamination of areas where actinides ...

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