Designer molecules may help valuable minerals float

Critical Materials Institute researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Arizona State University have studied the mineral monazite, an important source of rare-earth elements, to enhance methods of recovering critical ...

Machine learning could revolutionize mineral exploration

Twenty-first century technologies, including those central to a low-carbon future, rely on rare earth elements and metals. Many of these sought-after minerals reside in porphyry copper deposits that contain hundreds of millions ...

Where is the greatest risk to our mineral resource supplies?

Policymakers and the U.S. manufacturing sector now have a powerful tool to help them identify which mineral commodities they rely on that are most at risk to supply disruptions, thanks to a new methodology by the U.S. Geological ...

US-China trade war sparks worries about rare minerals

Rising trade tensions between the U.S. and China have sparked worries about the 17 exotic-sounding rare earth minerals needed for high-tech products like robotics, drones and electric cars.

US says to take action to ensure rare earths supply

The United States says it will take "unprecedented actions" to ensure the supply of strategic elements and rare earths, as China mulls possible export controls for materials that are critical to modern technology.

WTO upholds 'rare earth' ruling against China (Update)

The World Trade Organization has upheld a ruling that China violated trade rules with restrictions on the export of "rare earths," the minerals used in mobile phones, hybrid cars and other high-tech products.

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