Will your next phone be Fair Trade?

Organic, cage-free or home-grown? We think about our purchasing ethics in many areas of daily life, but not often about technology.

Miners shoot for the stars in tech race

A self-sustaining mechanised colony that mines and exports resources from the Moon could be a reality within a generation, helping to meet demand for materials key to innovation on Earth.

Japan finds rich rare earth deposits on seabed

Japanese researchers said Thursday they have found a rich deposit of rare earths on the Pacific seabed, with reports suggesting it could be up to 30 times more concentrated than Chinese reserves.

Moon mining a step closer with new lunar soil simulant

Australian researchers have developed a substance that looks and behaves like soil from the moon's surface and can be mixed with polymers to create 'lunar concrete', a finding that may help advance plans to construct safe ...

Japan finds major rare earth deposits: researcher

Japan has found a large deposit of rare earth minerals in its Pacific seabed, enough to supply its hi-tech industries for more than 200 years, a scientist said Friday.

WTO chief plays down China rare earth row

The head of the World Trade Organization on Friday played down a dispute over China's controls on exports of rare earth minerals, saying it was unlikely to escalate into a trade war.

WTO action filed on China's rare earth controls

The United States, European Union and Japan teamed up Tuesday to lay assault to China's controls on exports of rare earth minerals, which are crucial in high-tech manufacturing.

China plans restructure of rare earths industry

(AP) -- China is giving its biggest, state-owned rare earths miner and producer a monopoly for the northern part of the country in reforms aimed at bringing the strategically important sector that's crucial to advanced manufacturing ...

China to raise rare earths production this year

(AP) -- China said Thursday it will increase this year's production quota for rare earths but gave no sign it might reverse plans to cut exports of the exotic metals needed by high-tech industry.

China restarts rare earth shipments to Japan

(AP) -- China resumed exports to Japan of rare earth minerals crucial in high-tech manufacturing after a two-month de facto ban and a Japanese conglomerate announced a major supply deal with an Australian miner that will ...

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