New research unveils bird migration strategies

Using weather surveillance radar and citizen-science data, researchers are learning how migratory birds return to their breeding grounds in North America each spring with near-pinpoint accuracy. The research focuses on the ...

Vintage film offers new insights about Antarctica

Fifty years ago, a team of scientists crisscrossed Antarctica by plane, collecting radar images of the ice sheets. Now, a multi-continent effort to digitize and analyze that old data – with an assist from Hollywood – ...

NASA-produced damage maps may aid Mexico quake response

A NASA-produced map of areas likely damaged by the Sept. 19 magnitude 7.1 Raboso earthquake near Mexico City has been provided to Mexican authorities to help responders and groups supporting the response efforts. The quake, ...

Predicting eruptions using satellites and math

Volcanologists are beginning to use satellite measurements and mathematical methods to forecast eruptions and to better understand how volcanoes work, shows a new article in Frontiers in Earth Science.

Image: Landslide on the radar

On 20 May, over a million tonnes of dirt and rock buried part of California's Highway 1 along the Pacific coastline in the state's Big Sur region. In addition to cutting off the route, the landslide added some 5 hectares ...

Video: Larsen-C ice shelf crack

The Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite mission is monitoring the growing crack in Antarctica's Larsen-C ice shelf. When the ice shelf breaks off or 'calves', it will create one of the largest icebergs ever recorded – but exactly ...

How much biomass grows in the savannah?

Savannahs form one of the largest habitats in the world, covering around one-fifth of the Earth's land area. They are mainly to be found in sub-Saharan Africa. Savannahs are home not only to unique wildlife, including the ...

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