Fear of gender quotas is irrational

Danish companies lag behind their Nordic competitors when it comes to women's representation in leadership roles.

Norway boosts quotas to revive whaling

Norway announced Tuesday a 28 percent increase of its annual whaling quota to 1,278 whales in a bid to revive the declining hunt amid international controversy.

Quota to protect Mediterranean swordfish: EU, NGO

A conservation body grouping 50 fishing and shipping nations, approved a quota to protect the overharvested Mediterranean swordfish, the European Union and activist group Oceana announced Monday.

Fishing countries to discuss bluefin quotas

Against the backdrop of an apparent Atlantic bluefin tuna recovery, fishing nations gather in Genoa, Italy, next week to set new limits, closely watched by environmental groups and scientists.

Norway keeps whaling quota unchanged for 2014

Norway maintained on Tuesday its quota of previous years to hunt up to 1,286 whales in its waters in 2014, despite whalers repeatedly catching less than the limit.

EU ministers reach deal on fisheries reform

EU ministers agreed early on Wednesday a reform of the EU's fishing quota system that must now be approved by the European Parliament, where lawmakers are set on curbing overfishing.

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