Machine learning unlocks mysteries of quantum physics

Understanding electrons' intricate behavior has led to discoveries that transformed society, such as the revolution in computing made possible by the invention of the transistor.

A new candidate for dark matter and a way to detect it

Two theoretical physicists at the University of California, Davis have a new candidate for dark matter, and a possible way to detect it. They presented their work June 6 at the Planck 2019 conference in Granada, Spain and ...

First demonstration of antimatter wave interferometry

Matter waves constitute a crucial feature of quantum mechanics, in which particles have wave properties in addition to particle characteristics. This wave-particle duality was postulated in 1924 by the French physicist Louis ...

Scientists set record for light-matter interaction

An international team of physicists from the Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics at Wits University and the Institut NĂ©el in Grenoble, France, has created a tiny superconducting circuit that mimics the quantum mechanical ...

Ultracold quantum mix

The experimental investigation of ultracold quantum matter makes it possible to study quantum mechanical phenomena that are otherwise inaccessible. A team led by the Innsbruck physicist Francesca Ferlaino has now mixed quantum ...

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