Error-free quantum computing gets real

In modern computers, errors during processing and storage of information have become a rarity due to high-quality fabrication. However, for critical applications, where even single errors can have serious effects, error correction ...

Researchers set 'ultrabroadband' record with entangled photons

Quantum entanglement—or what Albert Einstein once referred to as "spooky action at a distance"— occurs when two quantum particles are connected to each other, even when millions of miles apart. Any observation of one ...

Breakthrough proof clears path for quantum AI

Convolutional neural networks running on quantum computers have generated significant buzz for their potential to analyze quantum data better than classical computers can. While a fundamental solvability problem known as ...

Implementing a 46-node quantum metropolitan area network

Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a method used for secure or secret key exchanges between two remote users. Using secure communication, cyberscientists ultimately aim to establish a global quantum network. Existing field ...

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