Donuts, math, and superdense teleportation of quantum information

Putting a hole in the center of the donut—a mid-nineteenth-century invention—allows the deep-fried pastry to cook evenly, inside and out. As it turns out, the hole in the center of the donut also holds answers for a type ...

Putting the squeeze on quantum information

Canadian Institute for Advanced Research researchers have shown that information stored in quantum bits can be exponentially compressed without losing information. The achievement is an important proof of principle, and could ...

Are weak values quantum? Don't bet on it

( —New work asserts that a key technique used to probe quantum systems may not be so quantum after all, according to Perimeter postdoctoral researcher Joshua Combes and his colleague Christopher Ferrie.

Data highway for quantum information

Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology quantum mechanically couple atoms to glass fiber cables. Now, they have shown that their technique enables storage of quantum information over a sufficiently long period ...

Physics researchers join effort to finally complete quantum theory

An assistant professor of physics at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) will be among a team of international researchers looking to advance the theory of quantum mechanics, a notion challenged by Albert ...

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