Painting cars for Mars

When John Campanella's friend wanted his beloved Ferrari painted, he knew exactly who to call. After all, Campanella had been painting, pinstriping and even airbrushing flames on to cars, motorcycles, airplanes, 18-wheelers ...

Quality assurance for autonomous systems

Cyber-physical systems combine electronics, software and mechanics. They are highly complex, and in addition to many application possibilities, raises a whole range of issues. They are dependent on error-free software, and ...

New technique accurately digitizes transparent objects

A new imaging technique makes it possible to precisely digitize clear objects and their surroundings, an achievement that has eluded current state-of-the-art 3D rendering methods. The ability to create detailed, 3D digital ...

Novel technique measures warpage in next-gen integrated circuits

As integrated circuit components are coming up against size limits, manufacturers are turning to new approaches based on stacking extremely thin wafers. However, the thin wafers easily warp under the stresses involved in ...

Reliably detecting irregularities in aircraft turbines

Even the slightest fault in aircraft engines could pose a safety risk. Until now, inspectors have relied solely on their well-trained eye to unmask defects on blade-integrated disks, known as blisks. In the future, they will ...

Supporting the rollout of hydrogen energy

As the UK's first renewable hydrogen refuelling station opens, the Gas Metrology team at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is supporting the rollout of hydrogen vehicles through its hydrogen purity laboratory, which ...

New video supports radiation dosimetry audits

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL), working with the National Radiotherapy Trials Quality Assurance Group, has produced a video guideĀ to support physicists participating in radiation dosimetry audits.

Damage caused by geothermal probes is rare

Soil settlements or upheavals and resulting cracks in monuments, floodings, or dried-up wells: Reports about damage caused by geothermal probes have made the population feel insecure. In fact, the probability of damage occurring ...

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