Engineered sand zaps storm water pollutants

University of California, Berkeley, engineers have created a new way to remove contaminants from storm water, potentially addressing the needs of water-stressed communities that are searching for ways to tap the abundant ...

Land degradation pushing planet towards sixth mass extinction

More than 100 experts from 45 countries have published a three-year study of the Earth's land degradation, calling the problem "critical" and saying that worsening land conditions undermine the well-being of 3.2 billion people.

Nanomaterials—what are the environmental and health risks?

Over 100 scientists from 25 research institutions and industries in 12 different European Countries, coordinated by the group of professor Antonio Marcomini from Ca' Foscari University of Venice, have completed one of the ...

Characterisation of the structure of graphene

Graphene, the world's first two-dimensional material, is many times stronger than steel, more conductive than copper, lightweight, flexible and one million times thinner than a human hair.

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