Body energy as a power source

Smartphones, MP3 players, sports electronics devices such as pulse meters or trackers, medical equipment such as tonometers, pacemakers of the heart, or insulin pumps: An increasing number of electronic companions make daily ...

Unraveling the ocean's secrets

In the absence of carbon, life on Earth cannot exist. Yet much of how this fundamental element circulates throughout the planet's oceans remains a scientific mystery.

New insight into a central biological dogma on ion transport

New research results from Aarhus University and New York University show how active transport of potassium can be achieved by a membrane protein complex that has roots in both ion pump and ion channel super-families. The ...

Regulating plant physiology with organic electronics

A drug delivery ion pump constructed from organic electronic components also works in plants. Researchers from the Laboratory of Organic Electronics at Linköping University and from the Umeå Plant Science Centre have used ...

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