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Chance discovery of forgotten 1960s 'preprint' experiment

For years, scientists have complained that it can take months or even years for a scientific discovery to be published, because of the slowness of peer review. To cut through this problem, researchers in physics and mathematics ...

Structural decomposition of decadal climate prediction errors

Climatologists and statisticians of Ca' Foscari University of Venice have elaborated a method to accurately estimate systematic errors affecting decadal climate predictions. The proposed method promises great progress toward ...

U.S. threatened by more frequent flooding

The East Coast of the United States is threatened by more frequent flooding in the future. This is shown by a recent study by the Universities of Bonn, South Florida, and Rhode Island. According to this, the states of Virginia, ...

Facebook to test news story paywalls: report

Facebook will test limiting the number of published news stories that can be read for free on its Instant Articles platform for premium publishers, US media reported on Wednesday.

Isotopes with ocean circulation information

The distribution of a radioactive thorium isotope is important in multiple aspects of oceanograpy. In his new publication, Yiming Luo has revisited the issue on processes influencing the distribution in the water column.

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