TOSA buses power up for less

EPFL scientists have developed a mathematical model to minimize the infrastructure and operational costs of the TOSA ultra-rapid rechargeable electric bus system.

City dwellers juggle with their means of transportation

A study carried out by EPFL and UNIGE and conducted in Lausanne, Geneva, Bern and Yverdon-les-Bains reports the way active urban groups have greatly diversified their modes of travel over the past two decades.

A boost to your mobile signal

When using your mobile phone, it doesn't take much to lose that precious signal - just turning a corner or riding on a train can be enough. EU-funded research is developing new technologies to eradicate those annoying 'black ...

Researchers create the first GPS for the blind

A new application for devices with Android operating systems, called OnTheBus, helps people find their way and move around in large cities. The application is based on universal design principles and is therefore useful for ...

How quickly things spread

Understanding the spread of infectious diseases in populations is the key to controlling them. If we were facing a flu pandemic, how could we measure where the greatest spreading risk comes from? This information could help ...

A mobile guide for buses and trains

If people had access to a fully-fledged system to help them navigate public transport, it could persuade many drivers to switch to their local trains, buses and trams. Researchers are busy developing an application that will ...

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