How quickly things spread

Understanding the spread of infectious diseases in populations is the key to controlling them. If we were facing a flu pandemic, how could we measure where the greatest spreading risk comes from? This information could help ...

Big Data enables better urban transport networks

The SIADE SaaS (Spatial Decision Support System for Transportation Planning) project essentially marks a change in the positioning of Spanish SME Terrain Technologies. From a consultancy service built around an algorithm ...

Researchers create the first GPS for the blind

A new application for devices with Android operating systems, called OnTheBus, helps people find their way and move around in large cities. The application is based on universal design principles and is therefore useful for ...

A boost to your mobile signal

When using your mobile phone, it doesn't take much to lose that precious signal - just turning a corner or riding on a train can be enough. EU-funded research is developing new technologies to eradicate those annoying 'black ...

Air quality sensors take a ride on Swiss city buses

Rather than installing stations on fixed towers, why not use mobile sensors spread out over the whole city to get better air quality measurements? OpenSense, a project run by four laboratories at EPFL and one at ETH Zurich, ...

High-tech solutions ease inaugural challenges

Transportation and security officials on Inauguration Day will have a centralized, consolidated stream of traffic information and other data displayed on a single screen using software developed by the University of Maryland. ...

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