Software that can automatically detect fake news

Invented stories, distorted facts: fake news is spreading like wildfire on the internet and is often shared on without thought, particularly on social media. In response, Fraunhofer researchers have developed a system that ...

Maternal instincts don't explain the gender gap on GM foods

Studies have found that women are more skeptical of genetically modified (GM) foods than men, but little research has been done on what's responsible for that gender gap. Conventional wisdom has been that maternal instincts ...

When oil and water mix

Hydraulic fracturing of organic-rich shales has become a major industry. The commonly used term for this extraction of hydrocarbons—fracking—is especially intriguing. Not only does it convey the process of breaking apart ...

Profound divisions in the U.K. revealed by Brexit study

A comprehensive report on Brexit and public opinion has revealed that the UK is a country deeply divided by class, place and age, and a values divide is emerging which could dramatically impact on politics in the years to ...

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