U.S. political parties more polarized than voters

Despite widespread perceptions of rising political polarization in the United States, the American public is no more polarized than it was before the Reagan era, according to a Stanford scholar.

An inconvenient truth about 'An Inconvenient Truth'

Al Gore has a follow-up to his blockbuster documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth. However, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power was greeted with far less fanfare than the original.

How conspiracy theories feed political fragmentation

Conspiracy theories are all the rage these days. Barely a day goes by without someone accusing someone else of engaging in fake news, post-truths, witch hunts and organised political skulduggery.

China compiles its own Wikipedia, but public can't edit it

It'll be free. It'll be uniquely Chinese. It'll be an online encyclopedia to rival Wikipedia—but without the participation of the public. And don't expect entries on "Tiananmen Square 1989" or "Falun Gong spiritual group" ...

Competing attitudes about the homeless complicate public policy

Research has shown that policies designed to help the homeless are more popular with the public than those aimed at helping other social groups, including immigrants. But that hasn't stopped policies that target the homeless ...

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