Related topics: bacteria · bacterium · cystic fibrosis

Researchers thwart resistant bacteria's strategy

Antibiotic resistant bacteria are experts in evolving new strategies to avoid being killed by antibiotics. One such bacterium is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is naturally found in soil and water, but also hospitals, nursing ...

Lung organoids reveal how pathogens infect human lung tissue

How do pathogens invade the lungs? Using human lung microtissues, a team at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel has uncovered the strategy used by a dangerous pathogen. The bacterium targets specific lung cells and ...

New tool developed to improve deadly superbug treatment

World-leading software that can both detect and predict antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in one of nature's toughest and deadliest superbugs has been developed by a University of the Sunshine Coast-led research team. The work ...

Machine learning model uncovers new drug design opportunities

Pathogens are nothing if not adaptable, and their ability to protect themselves against antibiotics increasingly poses a public health concern. A research team led by Los Alamos National Laboratory has used machine learning, ...

New study reveals novel approach for combating 'resting' bacteria

Most disease-causing bacteria are known for their speed: In mere minutes, they can double their population, quickly making a person sick. But just as dangerous as this rapid growth can be a bacterium's resting state, which ...

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