Growing more food with less fertiliser

Researchers have found the key to increasing the rate at which maize absorbs nitrogen in the lab, a crucial step in growing higher yielding crops while using less fertiliser.

Electrical wire properties of DNA linked to cancer

One of the biggest helpers in our bodies' ongoing efforts to prevent DNA mutations—mutations that can lead to cancer—is actually rather tiny. Electrons, as it turns out, can signal proteins that repair DNA to patch up ...

Remote control of transport through nanopores

In our bodies, the transfer of genetic information, viral infections and protein trafficking, as well as the synthesis and the degradation of biomolecules, are all phenomena that require the transport of molecules through ...

Photosynthesis uses vibrations as 'traffic signals'

Researchers have discovered a new role for protein vibrations in controlling the transformation of sunshine into useful energy. The study illuminates a mechanism that could help design better solar materials.

The clouds of spaghetti that keep DNA data safe

Cells can avoid "data breaches" when letting signaling proteins into their nuclei thanks to a quirky biophysical mechanism involving a blur of spaghetti-like proteins, researchers from the Rockefeller University and the Albert ...

Intracellular transport in 3-D

Ludwig Maximilian University researchers have visualized the complex interplay between protein synthesis, transport and modification.

Plants feel the heat

It's not just humans and animals that suffer when the mercury rises, plants feel the heat too. Heat stress is a major issue in agriculture and can significantly reduce crop yield. Even small increases in temperature can affect ...

Islands in yeast membrane revealed by extreme microscopy

University of Groningen microbiologists have visualized tiny islands in the cell membrane of baker's yeast. These membrane compartments appear to store transport proteins before use. The scientists observed that these proteins ...

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