Increasing crop resistance to pathogens

We all know that animals have an immune system - but plants have systems to fight infection too. Plant cells have receptor proteins which bind with parts of a pathogen. These receptor proteins are located on the surface of ...

Unlocking the rice immune system

A bacterial signal that when recognized by rice plants enables the plants to resist a devastating blight disease has been identified by a multi-national team of researchers led by scientists with the U.S. Department of Energy ...

New degradation proteins show route to cell survival

Studies by researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology and colleagues reveal two proteins that induce degradation of certain cell constituents to help cell survival under nutrient-limiting conditions.

How to reset a diseased cell

In proof-of-concept experiments, researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine demonstrate the ability to tune medically relevant cell behaviors by manipulating a key hub in cell communication networks. ...

How does a machine smell? Better than it did

Every odor has its own specific pattern which our noses are able to identify. Using a combination of proteins coupled to transistors, for the first time machines are able to differentiate smells that are mirror images of ...

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